March 5, 2009
Today we went to the Lafayette Children's Museum. Isabella went once when she was really young, but this was Ione and Gavin's first trip to the Children's Museum. When we walked in, Gavin ran straight towards the first booth and played with the abacus. He was so focused on everything he did. Ione, on the other hand, thought I was dropping her off at some sort of daycare. She started screaming and running back towards the entrance. It took me a while to convince her that I was staying there with her and that it would be fun! They all three had lots of fun pushing grocery carts in the child-sized Winn-Dixie. Gavin was more interested in the cart than shopping, so Ione filled his backet for him. Isabella was most proud of the receipt she got for checking out at the real cash register. They also enjoyed the bubble station and the ambulance a lot. Gavin concentrated so hard on this train set though. He loves trucks and trains, and he is so cute when he is wrapped up in playing.
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